Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Good weekend!!

 Well, had a great weekend. Took a vac-day Friday to work on my new module, got ALOT done..sweet! Went out Friday night to a local bar for a Halloween party. Saw a lot of good costumes and ran into so may people I know ( the hottie in the ref outfit WOW!) Saturday got 2 games of Advanced Squad Leader in ( don't get to play as much as i would like too). Saturday night got our 1st edition campaign rolling again ( everyone has been busy for 4 weeks). Sunday went out to grandma's for breakfast ( mmmmm!! grandma's cooking :-). Got around 3 hours of work done on my military model diorama. And watched my New Orlean Saints win on Sunday night football. Great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice to hear that you had such a wonderful time. And eating at Grams ... always yummy.

    Happy Rest of Your Week :-)
